Back to School: Resources Reminder
As we gear up to begin another school year, don't forget about these great resources that are freely available to support high-quality, three-dimensional science learning!
- NGSS Parent Guides: A suite of parent resources (also available in Spanish) that illustrate how the standards are a powerful foundation to help students build a cohesive understanding of science over time. The parent guides are available for Grades K-2, Grade 3-5, Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12.
- NGSS Overview for Principals: This document introduces principals to the NGSS and provide a general overview of the key instructional and conceptual shifts required by the NGSS.
- NGSS Appendices: The NGSS Appendices provide a wealth of background and detail about the standards, along with some implementation models.
- NGSS Quality Units and TAPS: Using the quality units that have been vetted by the Science Peer Review Panel and the detailed feedback that goes along with each unit (15 great units across K-12 and more coming soon!), or the resources that are a part of the Task Annotation Project in Science (TAPS) is a great way to up your NGSS game for the upcoming school year!