Science News for Students

The following websites are resources that can help you share science journal articles and science news with students for them to read and analyze. 

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Science is a dynamic field. There are constantly new discoveries and new data being sought to disprove hypothesis. There are many ways we get information and there are many sources of disinformation. 

On January 4, 2023, Governor Murphy signed into law a new information literacy bill. The bill requires the New Jersey Department of Education to develop New Jersey Student Learning Standards in “information literacy,” which is defined as a set of skills that enables an individual to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, and effectively use the needed information. Information literacy includes, but is not limited to, digital, visual, media, textual, and technological literacy.  This bill makes New Jersey the first state to require K-12 Information Literacy Education.

  • Understanding Science 101 For Educators is a great resource for helping teachers and students understand what science is. 
  • Stanford University has written a report: Science Education in an Age of Misinformation. As they state "Misinformation is a grave threat to science.  In this report, generated by an international group of leading scientists and education researchers, we outline the nature of that threat along with why it is important and how it can be addressed."
  • Reading to Learn in Science shares some strategies for teaching reading in the science classroom. As they state" Reading is not only a crucial way for students to learn science content, it is also an important part of what professional scientists actually do. One study found that scientists and engineers spend over half of their working time reading, interpreting, and producing text. Without research, there is no science; but without communication, research would grind to a halt. Literacy enables vital inputs and outputs for research: read; research; write; repeat."

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