2021 Sustainable Jersey for Schools Grants Cycle Funded by NJEA
The application deadline has been extended to Friday, December 4! There is now even more time for you to apply for funding for your school sustainability project. Awardees will still be notified in mid-February and awards distributed in mid-March. This cycle will award:
- Ten (10) $10,000 grants to fund school and district sustainability projects
- Forty (40) $2,000 grants to fund school sustainability projects or support green teams
Learn more about this cycle here. This funding cycle for schools is less competitive than others due to the larger amount of funding available ($180,000) and the number of grants we give out, so the chance of getting at least a $2,000 grant is high, so we highly encourage you to apply. Note that schools can apply for both a $10,000 and $2,000 grant, but will only be eligible to receive one.
Need help? Feel free to reach out to staff or browse our actions for project ideas. To view the list of potential projects that our staff presented during the informational webinar, click here.