We are excited to announce upcoming professional learning opportunities this summer at QUEST 2021 Virtual Summer Institute for K-12 STEM teachers.
QUEST is designed to enhance teachers' knowledge of science and mathematics aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Science and Math. Each session is co-taught by Princeton University researchers, content experts, and lead teachers. QUEST builds on K-12 teachers' knowledge of science and math content and practices through virtual experiments, field experiences, and data analysis. These learning experiences aim to increase teachers’ enthusiasm, knowledge, and confidence in teaching science and math.
This summer's QUEST includes: Climate and the Ocean, From Farm to Fork: Analysis of Food Systems, and Elementary Math: From Anxiety to Mastery. Click the titles for additional details.
Submit your registration here: https://teacherprep.princeton.edu/quest2021 Please contact Dr. Jessica Monaghan or Dr. Anne Catena with any questions.